Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Rescue A VIP !

 The British have a prisoner in a small Spanish village - a senior French Intelligence Officer, who is yet to be interrogated. It is imperative that the French rescue him before he "spills the beans" on French plans. Yes, this is just the excuse we need for a game of Sharp Practice! Steve has the French, I have the British.

Here's the battlefield. The captive is held in the village at the end of the road, bottom left. The main French rescue force will enter from bottom right (where they are mustered !) but some have sneaked into the woods near the village already. A British relief force will arrive by the broken ground at the top of the board.

In the village, there is a Junior Officer with a group of 8 men guarding the prisoner

First to appear, a French artillery unit which proceeds alone

This turns out to be an unwise move, as the British CO has rushed on with his light infantrymen and unleashed a volley

catching the artillerymen by surprise

Its a crashing volley too so the shock is horrendous, so the artillerymen are wiped out before they can get started !

The French CO arrives with his main force too late to prevent this disaster

Not an auspicious start for the French

However, the French rescue force emerges from the woods and their officer demands the whereabouts of the prisoner from the village priest

The correct house is identified (I've taken the roof off as proof !). So its not El Murrio's tavern this time - he's next door.

French Voltigeurs dash ahead of the main French line

and they reach the edge of the small corn field

But British Rifles have lined the walls of the goat field with a good view of the enemy Voltigeurs 

They fire immediately

Getting a kill and some shock on the Frenchmen

They decide they are too exposed by the corn and retreat back to the main force

The British CO has now ordered an extended line having seen the full French force deploying opposite him

The French are advancing towards the British line and receive fire as they come

Until they gain the rise, they are unable to bring all their guns to bear on the British

But the French CO is determined to engage the enemy

Over they come !

Back at the village, the French advance in line towards the target house 

The French Voltigeurs have now moved to support the advance of the main French force

In the village, the British have spotted the French approaching and fire from the windows and doors

The French officer is hit and some shock too on the line

Back at the main fight, the British have picked off a few Frenchmen as they advance

and now the British CO orders a volley and bayonet charge

with devastating effect - the French line is shattered and the French CO runs off with whats left of his men.

This is the last straw for French morale which has hit zero, so the game is over

The remaining French troops will have to retire without rescuing the captive French VIP !


  1. Thanks, enjoyed the plot and narrative.

  2. Not a good day for the French, alas. I love Sharp Practice battle reports, this was a good one.


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