Sunday 31 May 2015

Partizan, Newark 31st May 2015

Today, we made our annual pilgrimage to Partizan, which is usually a nice sunny day but this year cloudy and raining.  It didn't stop the wargaming fraternity though as Kelham Hall seemed busier than I've ever seen it.

I thought Mark Freeth from Wargames Holiday Centre must be here as his helicopter was parked on the lawn !

The gloomy interior of Kelham Hall

was brightened up by the beaming visages of Mike and Steve from Essex Warriors !

Simon Miller's group of gamers had a great game of "To The Strongest" ancients going on (available through BigRedBat war-games blog).  These rules are proving immensely popular. 

The main hall - nice plug for Lance & Longbow Society here !

John Ray and his Military Gentleman's Forum had two excellent Age of Reason games going on, using Charles Grant's rules

My eye was also drawn to this super Renaissance battle going on - sorry chaps, I didn't note down your club or society name.

Carlo Pagano should be delighted to hear his "Sands of Sudan" rules were in evidence on the 28mm game being played by Legendary Wargames from Yorkshire (Carlo's superb rules are available through

Another eye-catcher, 28mm refight of The Alamo. Lovely terrain and figures on show, giving a great flavour of the famous siege.

And to finish with a flourish, how about this 54mm scale Mexican battle

Again, superb terrain and buildings.

A thoroughly entertaining day, the traffic was kind both ways - and yes, Ray, I had two bags of goodies to smuggle indoors with out Her Majesty knowing !