Richard Clarke and the Too Fat Lardies team are still hard at work developing this rule set for the Roman period and an updated play test has just been sent out to the chosen testers.
Steve C and I set to yesterday with this version to see what has changed. As before, he took the role of the Barbarian Germans, I had the Romans.
After rolling the dice, the terrain ended up like this - lots of open space !
First on, some German looney skirmishers, building up their fervour
then the German warlord with two war bands, also working on their fervour
The Roman commander came on with an infantry formation, cavalry unit sent forward and a new exciting bit of kit - a scorpion bolt thrower
Disturbingly for the Romans, another large war band appears on the Roman right flank and slingers are in the wooded hills overlooking the Roman start line
The Roman commander has now got four groups of infantry on in two formations
With Roman attention to their right, the Looney skirmishers, all fired up, have charged across to attack the scorpion
the Roman cavalry are trying to avoid a frontal assault on the barbarian war band and head for the woods, from where more barbarians could deploy if not prevented
The looneys have managed to get behind the Roman position and attack the scorpion from the rear
so the scorpion's impact was short lived !
The action has heated up in the centre of the battlefield as Roman infantry tangle with the barbarian warriors
Initially, the barbarians have the upper hand and Roman force morale tumbles alarmingly
Roman archers have seen off the enemy slingers in the woods
Gaping holes appear in the ranks but the Romans stubbornly fight on
Casualties are now mounting for the Germans too and their force morale descends
Eventually, it is the Roman cavalry which swings it - they destroy the Germans and their morale hits zero. A narrow win for Rome.
We used the new tweaks suggested in close combat which do give the Romans more staying power.
Our previous games have seen their smaller numbers overwhelmed by shock in particular so this is no longer happening.
The play testing will continue but this is a good fun skirmish game in the making.
Interesting to see the game developing. Thanks for sharing.