Last weekend, Martin G laid on two ECW games which will form part of a simple campaign. The King is in the Midlands fighting the Earl of Essex whilst another conflict happens in the West Country.
I was playing the part of the King, so make no excuse for nearly all the pictures being of this battle - we simply did not get time to wander from one to the other !
The Royalists are on the right, Parliament on the left.
His haughty Majesty surveys the field
Royalist cavalry charge on the left
Our right flank turns into a big cavalry battle which lasts all day
Our left flank cavalry have beaten the enemy horse and now hitting the enemy cannon in the flank
Although the Parliamentary cavalry are getting the better of the fight out on our right, we are holding - just
Royalist foot hit the enemy cavalry out on the right flank to redress the balance
Parliamentary foot are forced into a defensive block
the Royalist foot are winning
its not looking good for the rebellious enemy
a couple of quick pics of Graham's Royalists on the West Country table
Curiously, this game also ended with our troops turning the enemy flank and rolling them up.
Its all over - the Royalists have taken all the victory points
So two games, both clear Royalist victories. Now, Martin has to go away and see where this takes us next.
All good fun, with some 12 players involved over the two tables.
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