Wednesday, 11 September 2019

General d'Armee at the club

Les had organised this game at Essex Warriors a couple of weeks ago but I've not got around to blogging the game.

Steve S had the French attacking force and I the Austrians defenders, Les umpired.

Austrians on the left, French the right

The French have to drive the Austrians from the high ground

Where their general observes the approaching French

Austrian skirmishers occupy the ruined churchin front of the high ground

Austrian artillery commence firing at the enemy

The French Imperial Guard attack on their right, including the ruins which the Austrian skirmishers decide to abandon 

Now Steve's left flank attack develops but the Austrian infantry counter charge

They are holding off the French here

and initially, the Austrians fighting the Imperial Guard give good account of themselves 

The French fail to break through on their left

but the ruins having been occupied by French infantry threatens the Austrian position behind

Sadly, for the Austrians two of their four regiments on the left retreat from the fight - which means a broken brigade in General d'Armee.

Although the right has held, with half his force in retreat, the Austrian general is threatened with being outflanked so the rest of the army will have to pull back - game over, French win !

We enjoy the way ADCs influence the battle in General d"Armee and the variety of actions they can take on behalf of their commander to influence the fight. There are never enough of them to be able to do what you want but that applies to both sides.

Good game.

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