Friday, 16 April 2021

They Are Coming For The Village !

 The cry came up from some herders. A strong force of Roman Auxiliaries with support units was approaching and they were carrying wood to burn the village down as retribution for some perceived insults by our Germanic tribes.

The War Lord quickly prepares his warriors and sets off. The start of a new Infamy, Infamy ! campaign. This time Steve has the Romans and I have the Germanic tribes. 

They know the Romans are coming from the bottom right of the picture, our village is opposite at bottom left.

In the advance are a group of Roman Auxiliary archers

Followed by a group of Tribal Levy making their way through the wooded hills

Next on, a group of armed Roman servants carrying the wooden faggots to speed up burning the village

Then the Centurion marches on with a column of Auxiliary infantry

Slingers follow the Tribal Levy and two groups of Auxiliary cavalry lead by a Decurion trot ahead

The Centurion sends ahead one group of infantry as skirmishers

The cavalry advance again on and beside the hills - so far, no sight of the enemy.

But no ! Dashing from the marshes, a group of German Foederati cavalry attacks the Roman cavalry with javelins

And out of the woods, an enemy mob appear and throw their spears 

Followed by a charge by Fanatical Warriors from amongst their ranks

This surprise attack has greatly shocked the Roman cavalry

and they break

The other remaining Roman cavalry continue to engage the Foederati attacking them

But the tussle ends with both sides losing their cavalry

The Centurion turns his infantry into line and faces towards the threat from the hills

At this moment, the German Warlord charges out of the marshes and hits the skirmishing Romans who are thrown back although the Germanic warriors have taken casualties too.

To support them, Tribal Levy arrive on the German right flank

The Auxiliaries turn again now to face the new threat from the marshes

The German warriors charge forward again

The Roman Tribal Levy try to stem the tide by charging the German warriors on the hill

But they are beaten off and the Germans charge into the flank of the Auxiliaries already engaged to their front

Attacked from two sides, the Romans are in deep trouble

Their losses mount and their cohesion is broken

The German Tribal Levy have chased off the Roman archers on the right flank

At this point, the Roman morale completely collapsed and the remaining troops fled the field with all thought of burning villages long forgotten !

Despite his success, the German War Lord failed to impress his fellows enough to merit an increase in his status in the campaign.

The Roman Centurion and one junior German tribal leader were wounded but would recover in two weeks. Battle will recommence in three weeks on the Roman calendar.

Another tense game of Infamy which never fails to deliver !

1 comment:

  1. Excellent pictures and what looked like an exciting game.


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