Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Another go at Infamy ! Infamy !

The other day, Steve C and I managed to fit in another game of the play test version of the rules under construction at Too Fat Lardies.

Some low winter sunshine played havoc with the war-games table, so apologies for the quality of the pictures !

Terrain has been diced for and force morale established. The Ancient Germans will come on from this end, the Romans from the far end

Roman advance troops are harassed by German skirmishers near the village 

Roman archers and Gaul allies decide to tackle them

but they will be difficult to catch !

Now a German chieftain with three war bands arrives

and others are deploying behind the far side of the village

The Roman centurion brings on his troops in column and head straight for north of the village where slingers are annoying them

The Gauls throw themselves forward but fail to reach the enemy skirmishers

Indeed, two of the Gauls have been killed and shock is mounting

The skirmishers retire as German warriors approach

The Roman column has chased off the enemy slingers and now heads around the village

German skirmishers continue to taunt them so the Centurion keeps after them

but now he espies the German war bands and they become his new focus

The German leader has managed to get up his warriors "fervour" for battle so they are pleased to fight the Romans (the green numbers indicate fervour)

The fighting is fierce some - the little pellets represent the shock mounting on the Romans - but big holes are appearing in the German ranks

The Gauls have pursued enemy skirmishers into the henge. This time they are caught and destroyed 

The Romans and German war bands fight to the death

but the Germans have the weight of numbers and attack the Romans from three sides 

In the end, the Romans are destroyed - they were far too over confident and reckless in their headlong charge

Still learning and these rules have a lot of development ahead of them before release to the wider wargaming world - but we are enjoying what we have seen so far.

Having another crack at it tomorrow, this time with Rafael.

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