Tuesday 18 September 2018

Not A Good Day To Be a Frenchman !

Yesterday, we fought a fictional Napoleonic battle at the club - French v Austrians with Allan and Dave being the Austrians (Dave was replaced by Ian half way through as Dave was off to play golf) and Steve and I the French.

The Austrian centre and right - three brigades of infantry with supporting artillery.

Austrian skirmishers quickly take the small village 

They have adopted an "order mixed" columns and lines working together

The Austrian left flank comprised a cavalry brigade of four regiments

Here's the Austrian C-in-C

The Austrian cavalry go on the attack and charge towards the enemy Cuirassiers

Charge v counter charge

Saxon Cuirassiers support the French

Now the French columns of attack move forwards

The French Cuirassiers are supported by Horse Artillery

a good view of the cavalry melee and supports

The French also have a Light Cavalry Brigade which is held in reserve in the centre

This is the left hand French brigade, lines ahead of two columns

The infantry clash all along the battlefield

More Austrian cavalry advance to charge the Saxon Cuirassiers

This French brigades gets hot with closing fire from artillery and infantry

as an Austrian battalion and French battalion tussle in the centre

French casualties begin to tell - one battalion has broken and gone from the fight

and all the French Cuirassiers have been routed by the Austrians !

the centre French brigade has collapsed and retreats

and the French right hand brigade has now taken excess casualties

With three out of five brigades broken, the French are beaten.  The Light Cavalry were unable to participate so their sole function was to screen a retreat.

So, to repeat the title, not a good day to be a Frenchman !


  1. Oh dear. I not sure Boney would be very pleased!

  2. I'm partial to the Austro-Hungarian armies, so it's nice to see a decisive win against Boney.


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