Friday, 26 October 2012

Tall Ho LRDG !

The troop look for a break in the German perimeter fence.
They are through and racing for the parked aircraft but a German mortar unit spots an LRDG vehicle.
The CO gets to the farthest plane without being spotted.
Two LRDG vehicles have now been spotted
The CO's jeep makes a nice bonfire out of their plane.
As No.2 gets to the other plane.
Kaboom !  2nd plane is destroyed as Afrika Korps infantry open fire from the roof top.
A German tank hits one of the vehicles and the crew are killed.
German motor cycle combis are sent off in pusuit.
Two vehicles show a clean pair of heels as they head for the gap.
The CO's parting MG shots hit the unit on the roof top.
So for the loss of one Chevrolet & crew the LRDG managed to destroy 2 Luftwaffe fighters, a mortar team and a few infantry - a good night's work !

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Long Range Desert Group H.Q.

The CO receives the Intel from his recon group and his men are mustered for action

All loaded up and ready to roll
Let's go teach Jerry a lesson, chaps ! ...

Self Propelled Artillery Battery.

Sorting through the WWII trays, I rediscovered this heavy battery bought from B & B Wargames of Norfolk many years ago

Must flick through my I Aint Been Shot Mum scenarios to see if I can find an excuse to bring them into a game sometime - trouble is, with their range, they would normally be way off the table !
Perhaps their orders to retreat in Normandy didn't get through and they are sitting there ablivious to what's coming ? ...

The Ten Quid Cuirassiers

You may remember I picked up a unit of Cuirassiers from the Bring & Buy at SELWG. Well, they've had their old bases stripped off and shiny new ones added and this is the result

These are now ready to join the ranks for a future In The Grand Manner battle.  meantime, they are off to join their brethren on the shelf.

Wadi Sha'Wadi

An 8th Army recon unit has spied some activity at the Wadi
DAK armour moves in.
A senior officer and HQ element seem to be marshalling forces. 
Trucks are hidden in the walled grove.
And gunners posted.
Ah, now thats interesting, they've got a fighter unit based there
Better tip off HQ so they can arrange a cosy visit by the LRDG ...

Monday, 22 October 2012

Avaux, Part 2

The British want to push at least 4 Shermans through Avaux with a Big Man (leader figure).  The Germans want to stop them.  Nothing complex here then.
The STuGs take out the 2 MG carriers.
Infantry contest the bocage.
Tank killers get a Sherman in the lane.
But there's three more where that one came from !
Another tank killer team notch up a kill.

British infantry rush up the road
So the STuGs decide to fire at them.
Backed up by MGs firing from the top floor of the building hiding a tank killer team too.
No.1 Tank troop push forward again.
And here come the "Fly Boys" to add a bit of punch.
The fighter manages to bracket a STuG without scoring a single hit !
Infantry HQ vehicle takes a hit and the only survivor is the Adjutant.
The fighter returns for another go and this time smacks the STuG on the rump, causing some shock to the inhabitants.
That'll keep them quiet for a moment.
British infantry take the first bocage defence line.
As No.1 Troop by-pass their commander's burning Firefly.
The dreaded tank killers have scored another hit.
As a brave lieutenant leads his infantry forwards.
The dash for the second bocage line.
The tanks are over but not without damage.
2nd Platoon follow up but are engaged by fire from the cottages.
Another Sherman brews up.
No.1 Troop catch a STuG in the flank.
And 2 Shermans speed forwards with another trying to catch up.
British infantry hug the bocage.
As the German CO with his HQ men set a charge on one of the Shermans passing by.
The tank CO now charges forward to engage the remaining STuG.
But horror of horrors, an 88mm appears at the end of the street and takes out the lead Sherman.
The game is up as the British do not have enough tanks left.  If its any consolation, they have destroyed all the German infantry - including their CO who was crushed beneath the tracks of an on-coming Sherman.
This was a proper blood bath.  The village has fallen but at such a cost and too many tanks were lost.  Monty is going to be furious.