Monday 29 January 2018

Wars of the Roses - using Hail Caesar rules

Rafael came over this afternoon and we played a quick Wars of the Roses game - before I head off to see Darkest Hour at the cinema tonight !

Rafael had the Lancastrian forces left of this picture

This is the cavalry on the Yorkist right flank

Yorkist centre

Lancastrian cavalry on their left flank

Lancastrian centre

Lancastrian right flank cavalry

Yorkist left flank forces move forward

Intent on sending an arrow storm at the enemy

The cavalry clash straight away on the Lancastrian left flank, at the stream

Both Yorkist and Lancastrian centres have moved forward

Casualties pile up in the cavalry clash but the Yorkists are getting the best of it, as the Lancastrians are pushed back

Rafael has troops a lll along the line of the stream now

and his heavy infantry move up on the right flank

The Yorkist commander orders the gun to fire

The Lancastrian commander watches his centre carefully

Charge !  The Lancastrian right has charged across the hillock and engaged enemy archers

They flee defeated as the Yorkist cavalry watch in disorder from archery fire

The Lancastrians follow up against the badly mauled Yorkist archers

Now the Lancastrian centre attacks and they too catch enemy archers

and its two units of heavy infantry against one of archers - ouch !

Perhaps unsurprisingly, they rout !

Their blood up, the Lancastrians charge again in the centre against the Yorkist heavy infantry 

Yorkist pikemen keep failing their command throws so the enemy can act with impunity

Because of the disruption from enemy arrows, the Yorkist left flank cavalry fail to move and are now threatened by a flank attack

One Yorkist heavy infantry has gone leaving disordered men to face the next onslaught

The Yorkist cavalry have taken too many casualties and fled !

and the Yorkist foot in the centre too !

Cheerio ! 

A decisive Lancastrian victory today.

All done and dusted in three hours but good fun nevertheless.

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