Friday 20 December 2019

Yet More Infamy

This time with Rafael.

I'm persevering with the Roman force, having realised I had failed to fully appreciate their inherent abilities last time out !

The German Barbarians have managed to get plenty of units on before the Romans arrive - enemy slingers most visible in the village

and more are building up their fervour in the woods !

Javelin men and slingers pepper the Roman lines 

The Romans rise their shields to get some protection

Worryingly for the Romans, enemy war bands are advancing either side of the village

Gaul warriors allied to the Romans appear and advance towards the right hand war band 

Despite raised shields, the Romans have suffered death and shock from the enemy slingers and archers but the Centurion sends forward his senior Optio with a formation to attack the village

The enemy skirmishers withdraw to be replaced by warriors and battle commences

The German war band right of the village has seen off the Gauls and now attacks the Romans

On the left, the Romans pursue the retreating slingers who now are well supported 

The Romans are being hit badly

and are being overpowered by the sheer numbers of enemy

and attacks come in from all directions

The Roman ranks are thinning out rapidly

but few in number as they are, the Romans fight on stubbornly

The big gaps in the German ranks show they have had to pay dearly too

but with only the remnants of one unit left, the Romans face defeat 

The last of the men die - leaving the Centurion
 and Optio fleeing for their lives

The use of the Roman drill and shield skills did help and remembering to throw some pilum
but still finding that if the Barbarians are able to concentrate their forces, the Romans are in big trouble.

This game will be wheeled out at Essex Warriors again on Sunday for a select few to have a trial go.

I must say, it does feel right for the period and we are enjoying ourselves trying this early version out.

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