Monday 20 August 2018


Today, Steve, Mike and Graham came around for another Black Powder game - this time a return to the Peninsula as I had set up Talavera for us to play.

To make it more manageable, I reduced it down to four big "brigades" of French infantry, each six battalions strong with two gun batteries attached to each plus cavalry support in the shape of two dragoon brigades, a light cavalry brigade and a lancer brigade.

These were to attack the British defence lines on the other side of the Portina river (the Spanish are safely behind the defences of Talavera and played little part but we did represent them on the table).

Steve and Graham took the part of the French, equally dividing the brigades between them, Mike and I had the British, likewise equally split into two.  The British had four three battalion brigades, a gun attached to each and cavalry support in the form of one hussar brigade, a light dragoon brigade and a heavy dragoon brigade.

We first of all played out Ruffin's night attack against the Cerro de Medellin and just like the real action, the columns got confused in the dark with only one making contact with the British opposite. As in the real battle, the British managed to recover and repulse the French infantry.

Here's the one unit that hit the British (another can be seen wandering off to the right)

Hill then managed to get his brigade together and firm up the defence of the high ground.

Next to them is a brigade which includes two Guards battalions

Beyond that, Mackenzie's brigade and nearest to the town a brigade of KGL (the cavalry are kept back in reserve)

The other side of the Portina, one British battalion is holding the fortified farm known as the Pajar. This became a thorn in the side of the French attackers.

Here we see Lapisse's brigade advancing (Ruffin's are still on the heights beyond, known as the Cerro de Cascajal)

Ruffin also has a light cavalry brigade in reserve

Graham has brought on his left hand brigade in "mixed order" with a proportion of the brigade out front in skirmish formation

This is the part of Talavera on the French side of the river, manned by some light troops and a battery.

Steve launches Lapisse's brigade into the attack across the Portina

Whilst Ruffin's settles down to fire artillery across the river at Hill's men - however, the return fire has disordered one of the French guns (represented by the cotton wool)

Graham attacks the Pajar farm with Sebastiani's brigade

The combined fire of Hill's troops and the Guards causes havoc amongst Lapisse's battalions - again, cotton wool represents disorder

Ruffin has pulled back half of his infantry force to lick their wounds as more infantry advance down the far valley hoping to outflank the Cerro de Medellin.

Here's the Guard's brigade standing firm with Hill's men up on the high ground.

Graham is now pushing troops forward to attack the KGL brigade across the river

Despite Sebastiani's men hurling themselves repeatedly against the Pajar farm, the British garrison refuse to budge.

Although disordered, they fight on grimly

Here we see Hill has advanced one battalion to the edge of the drop down to the river to get a better shot at the French opposite

Lapisse's men had attempted to charge across the river - indeed, one battalion did get to cross bayonets with the Guards - but the end result was, French battalions broke and the brigade in turn had to fall back with big gaps showing.

The Pajar farm is being assaulted from three sides now

Graham's brigade under Laval is now forming into line to make room for the Lancers to come through

They ready themselves to charge across the Portina to assault the KGL brigade

Steve now changes tactics and prepares to advance his light cavalry instead of the infantry

Having taken so many casualties, one of Hill's units has broken from the defence of the Medellin, leaving two battalions to carry on the defence.
Masses of French now by-pass the Pajar farm, to try and get to grips with the KGL instead

Graham tries to get the Lancers to charge but they fail their command roll and stay still !  His dragoon brigades have also refused to advance and stay on the base line !

The French attacks against the Pajar farm have bled them white and Lapisse's brigade breaks.

Even though Laval's men get across the river and get into hand to hand combat with the KGL,

and a KGL battery lost, the Light Battalion defeats the French attack and the battle is won

Hill's men celebrate on the Medellin 

as do the Guards below

The British cavalry were not needed in this battle

Despite being outnumbered 2 - 1, the British lines stood firm

as did the KGL brigade

Marshal Victor and the French high command order the retreat

Limber up the guns !

and recall the cavalry

Lapisse's infantry do not need any excuse to leave

and the heroic defenders of the Pajar farm see the enemy pull back

The flower of the French army will have to reform for another day

Perhaps the Lancers were the wise ones refusing to charge !

No doubt the Spanish will claim this as their victory !

Never mind, pour me a drink will you El Murrio.

Another absorbing game of Black Powder.

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